Children's Dentist | Advanced Health Dental Centre | Bankstown

Children's Dental

Advanced Health Dental Centre | Bankstown
Medicare - Child Dental Benefit Scheme | Advanced Health Dental Centre | Bankstown


NIB First Choice Dentist | Advanced Health Medical Centre | Bankstown

NIB Preferred Provider

Good oral health is important for children from an early age. Baby teeth (or primary teeth) play an important role in tooth development - it is recommended that a child should visit a dentist from as early as the age of one. Yes, children can be nervous or apprehensive about visiting the dentist, but our highly-sought-after Bankstown dentists will do their best to ensure the experience is comfortable for your child.

Our Bankstown dental centre offers children's dentistry services including:

  • Children's general dental check-ups
  • Children's fluoride treatments
  • Children's sports mouth-guards
  • Bruxism (children grinding their teeth)
  • Kids tooth fillings
  • Tooth extractions
  • Invisalign

Kids under 5 years check-up and clean -$89

Kids 5-15 years check-up, clean and 2 x-rays - $149

Advanced Health Medical & Dental Centre is a Medicare CDBS provider, and accepts all major health funds:

Leading Bankstown Dentist

Dr Michael Ibrahim

Dr Michael Ibrahim is a very skilled and caring dentist, with a special interest in children's, endodontic and dental implants. Dr Ibrahim is the principal dentist at our Bankstown dental centre, leading a team of highly skilled dentists.

A graduate from the University of Adelaide, Dr Ibrahim completed his gIDE Master of Implant Dentistry Program, in conjunction with Loma Linda University in Santa Monica, California.

When Dr Ibrahim is not caring for our teeth, he spends his free time with his family, supporting the Bulldogs, and going fishing.

What happens on your childs first visit to the dentist?

  • Your child has the opportunity to meet the dentist and get used to the environment of the dental centre.
  • The consultation is usually a check of your child's teeth and gums, to assess their growth, and to identify any potential issues or risks of decay.
  • Take the opportunity to ask any questions you may have regarding your child's oral health.
  • The dentist will educate you and your child about oral health, brushing techniques, as well as the importance of good nutrition.

Tips for kids trips to the dentist

It is important to stay relaxed as children can often pick up anxiety or stress from their parents. Here are some helpful tips to make your kids trip to the dentist an easy one:

  • Explain that going to the dentist is important for their health.
  • Bring them along to your, or other family members' appointments, so that they can experience the visit.
  • Keep it factual, but avoid using words like 'pain', 'drill' or 'needle'.
  • Morning, or weekend appointments, are a good idea - avoid times where they are likely to be exhausted from a long day at school or day-care.

Is children's dental covered by medicare?

Through the Child Dental Benefits Schedule (CDBS), eligible children can receive dental treatments up to the value of $1,026 over 2 calendar years. The CDBS is run by Medicare and is available to families already receiveing other benefits.

Advanced Health Dental Centre proudly provides kids dental services under the CDBS.

For more information about the CDBS, visit the Children's Dental Benefits Schedule website.

Advanced Health Dental Centre Bankstown offers a wide range of dental services for adults and children. We offer easy payment plans to suit your needs, and we're open 6 days a week.

Schedule an appointment today, by calling the Advanced Health Dental team on (02) 8123 0183, or book online.

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